Articles featuring photography by Olivia Susanna Photography

About Olivia Susanna Photography

Olivia Susanna Photography has contributed 5 photographs to Hot Music Live.

Olivia Susanna Photography has taken photographs of the following acts:

  • Antonia Kirby

Olivia Susanna Photography has shared the following external galleries:

Articles and galleries

I'm pleased to have the opportunity to tell you of a new Antonia Kirby song: the first I think I've reported on to you since "Sides of Me" in ...

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After the misfortune of having the dreaded lurgy delay the anticipated & planned release of her new EP "Sides of Me", Antonia Kirby (whose ...

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Today I'd like to share with you the latest single (out today) by Antonia Kirby whose"Labour of Love" appears on ‘Hot Music Live Presents Volume ...

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Déjà vu: again. Sorry if I'm making your heads swim sometimes these days: lord knows mine does.

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Today I have the opportunity to repair another omission in my reviewing history for "Hot Music Live":  to be precise until this moment, I have ...

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